Leni Riefenstahl is one of the historical figures who appears in the Brown House, which takes place in 1933, a year before she made a ‘documentary’ of the 1934 Nuremberg rally given the title Triumph of the Will by Adolph Hitler. Rallies were extremely important to Adolph Hitler in gathering fanatics together in a show of strength that would intimidate, and pressure the much more passive majority of the public to accept the radical Nazi ideas espoused by Hitler in his speeches. The Nazi ‘base’ were willing to swallow the idea that Jews were a physically different race rather than just a particular religious group. Along with the deliberate degradation of education to create a more credulous public, by mobilizing his base Hitler could bully better educated people into going along with racial ideas which they knew to be false. These stills from the film illustrate how by using selective casting of only fair haired boys she supported the bogus Nazi racial theory that Germans were an athletic, Aryan, Nordic race separate from the Jewish ‘race’ which was described as being dark and swarthy.